Sexx Luthor Crew Shirts Have Arrived!
May 21, 2014

The wait is over. For those of you who worked on RCDC2, you’re about to attend Sexx Luthor’s Wang Etquette Tour in style! Okay…so there isn’t a Wang Etiquette tour, but there definitely should be and we’ve made a case for it with these exclusive crew shirts! And we’ve definitely been having some fun with them around the stoodio.
We’ve been following Sexxy Lexy around like a pack of groupies.
Celebrating our shirts in the photobooth.
Lining up to have him sign them.
And taking selfies with them! It’s all the rage!
They come in baby blue for the boys, and neon yellow for the girls

So there you have it. I know their exclusivity probably makes non-crew members rue the day they were born, but there is a silver lining! We may have some left over, which means there’s a possibility of seeing some of these at a little event called Comic Con…