VFX Frames of the Week
May 04, 2016

Our visual effects department is responsible for making all of our projects look SPECTACULAR. Through digital rendering, they create entire virtual sets, lighting effects, explosions, character effects, 2D animation, CG animation, and everything that makes the messy raw footage from the animation stages into pristine works of beautiful, airable material. Well, every week, the VFX department works on hundreds if not THOUSANDS of frames of animation, and at the end of the week, they exercise their democratic right by voting on the FRAME OF THE WEEK. This time-honored tradition results in the FOTW being printed, framed, and hung on the walls of the department. So what makes a frame worthy of this prestigious title? Past winners have included frames that legitimately showcase a beautiful array of the department’s efforts, like this VFX-heavy shot from SuperMansion:

Other frames are born from happy accidents or flubs, like this other shot from SuperMansion (which also has the honor of being the very first FOTW):

Most winning frames, though, are the result of a VFX artist “enhancing” an existing frame in order to gain the attention of the FOTW voters. Take this shot from Denny’s The Grand Slams that features all of your favorite slams possessed by “City of Angels” star Nicolas Cage:

So enjoy some of these other Frames of the Week and appreciate them for what they truly are: works of art.